Category Archives: Blog

Key Questions When Considering a Move to a Senior Retirement Community

Contributed by Rusty Blix, Founder of Alderman Oaks

Aging in Place or Transitioning to a Retirement Community Can Often be Complex, Confusing, and Intimidating!   

We encourage you to schedule a visit to Alderman Oaks, as we would look forward to assisting you and your family in the decision making process.

Is the community privately owned or part of a larger
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Response to Herald-Tribune Editor’s Request Regarding Hurricane Irma

I am responding to the October 17, 2017 Editor’s request “to hear from customers about their power restoration times” from the outages caused by hurricane Irma. 

 Alderman Oaks Retirement Center in downtown Sarasota experienced a power outage of four days.  I also testify for many, if not most, Assisted Living owners and operators in
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Nursing-Home Mandate Illogical

Our thanks to the Sarasota-Manatee Herald-Tribune for allowing Rusty Blix, owner of Alderman Oaks, to be a guest columnist in the Sunday, October 8, 2017 (Opinion Section) issue of their newspaper.

Following are the contents of his column.

 I support LeadingAge Florida’s challenging of Rick Scott’s order to install generators in all Nursing Homes and Assisted Living
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5 Benefits of Exercise for the Brain & Overall Health

Our thanks to Nicci Kobritz for contributing this article.

Exercise may be more important than you think. Aside from benefiting your physical health, exercise—research shows—packs numerous cognitive benefits. Below, we’re covering the best benefits prolonged exercise has on your brain.

#1: Exercise Improves Executive Functions

Your brain’s executive functions are higher-level thinking skills. These skills include task switching,
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Making a Connection with Those with Dementia

Our thanks to author Susan Garbett for contributing this article.

The media and some commercials would have us believe that Alzheimer’s is just a disease of memory. We know it can also affect perception, behavior, personality, language dysfunction, visual and motor skills, and much more. Being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s should not be looked as an immediate
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