Author Archives: alderadmin

Is My Forgetfulness Normal?

Our thanks to Cheryl Brandi, DNSc, ARNP, NP-C of the Roskamp Institute Clinic for contributing this article. 

We all have those moments where we forget someone’s name, or where we put the car keys. These “senior moments” are understood to be part of the normal aging process. However, at what point should one be
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Reducing Risk for Alzheimers Disease!

Our thanks to Dr. Julio Cantero, Medical Director for the Center for Brain Health for contributing this article.  The Center for Brain Health and Youthful Aging Home Health are a part of a team of visiting professionals who complement the Alderman Oaks Staff in serving our residents.

Many of us are worried about memory loss.  We
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It’s a New Year for Caregiving

Our thanks to Julie Cook Downing, Founder of Caregivers’ Comfort Creations, LLC for contributing this article.  Julie is a valuable resource to the community in providing products, programs, and services to individuals, families, and professionals faced with the challenges of caregiving.

CAREGIVING IS QUITE POSSIBLY THE HARDEST JOB IN THE WORLD™ and if you are fortunate to be reading this
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Treating Dementia Differently

JoAnn Westbrook, N.H.A., Certified PAC Trainer and Director of the Education and Training Institute at the Pines of Sarasota came to Alderman to speak on dementia and how we approach those who have it. JoAnn uses the approaches she learned from Teepa Snow, an expert on dealing with dementia, to inform caregivers how to easily handle daily tasks.
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Life Care Plan: Simply Defined

Thanks to Kevin Pillion, Esq., Elder Law Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, Founder of the Life Planning Law Firm, P.A. for contributing this article.  The Life Planning Law Firm is a valuable resource in providing programs and services to the residents and families of Alderman Oaks.

The aging process presents a host of challenges and raises many
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