As of July 1, 2024

Alderman Oaks visitor policies are subject to change; should, Local, State or National regulatory agencies instruct us to do so or should the need for certain precautions below change.

In accordance with Florida Statute 408.823 regarding In-person Visitation.

Visitor Screening: We expect all our visitors to be conscientious and reschedule visits if they are actively ill. While there is no longer formal screening of visitors, if a visitor appears to be ill, they may be asked if they can schedule their visit at another time when they are well.

Visiting Hours: We do not have set visiting hours.

Visitor Restrictions: We do not restrict how many visitors a resident may have at a time, and we do not have any restrictions regarding the length of a visit, except in the case of long-term guests. If a resident’s guest would exceed 14 consecutive overnight stays, then the guest would become a tenant and must be added to the lease unless Alderman Oaks agreed to the extended stay due to extenuating circumstances.

Infection Control Education: Should a resident be placed under isolation or quarantine due to suspected or confirmed Covid infection then we would require the following.
• All visitors must follow the safety guidelines posted on the resident’s front door. Including proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) listed. The instructions of how to safely put PPE on and take them off would also be posted.
• Gloves, Eye Protection, N95 masks and gowns would be required.
• All Personal Protective Equipment must be disposed of in the resident’s apartment before leaving.
• Hand Hygiene must be preformed after leaving their apartment.

Physical Contact: We will not and do not restrict consensual physical contact between a resident and visitor.

Essential Caregiver: We will not require our residents to assign an essential caregiver. However, should we be required to limit visitation in our building by a regulatory agency the following would apply:
o A resident may designate a visitor who is a family member, friend, guardian, or other individual as an essential caregiver. We will allow in-person visitation by the essential caregiver for at least 2 hours daily in addition to any other visitation authorized by us. The essential caregiver dose not need to provide necessary care to a resident in our facility, and we will not require an essential caregiver to provide such care.
o Visitation is allowed in all the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
    – End-of-life situations.
    – A resident who was living with family before being admitted to the provider’s care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support.
    – The resident is making one or more major medical decisions.
    – A resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died.
    – A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver.
    – A resident who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking.

We expect all visitors to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to our environment. Any visitor that threatens the safety of our residents or employees will be asked to leave. Should we experience a circumstance where we would have to initiate use of essential caregivers, please note that we may require visitors to sign that they understand our visitor policies and procedures.

Our Compliance Officer is responsible for the oversight of adherence to the above polices.

AHCA – Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (






  • Loving, caring ownership and staff
  • Services catering to different lifestyle needs
  • Active Resident Council and Committees
  • Located in "Heart" of Downtown Sarasota
  • Regular Spiritual Opportunities
  • Flexible Transportation
  • Exercises, health diets, and access to an on-site Wellness Center
  • Weekly Happy Hour with Live Entertainment (We dance!)
  • Just Around the Corner From the Friendship Center
  • Rental Only Apartments (No buy-in required)
  • Choice of studio, one bedroom, or two bedroom Floor Plans
  • Able to transition into Assisted Living if needed